COP27 ACE and Civil Society Day

Effective climate action requires all stakeholders to participate. Whether this be youth, NGOs or shareholders of large financial institutions it is important that all stakeholders find space at the negotiating table. Discover the meaning and scope of the main topic of November 15, COP27's Action for Climate Empowerment and Civil Society Day, through the lens of CMCC activities and contributions to the topic.

The COP27 thematic day dedicated to action for climate empowerment (ACE) and Civil Society aims to integrate civil society into decision-making processes, building on the momentum of COP26 that saw the establishment of the Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE).

But, what exactly is ACE? ACE is a term adopted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in reference to the goal of empowering all members of society to engage in climate action, through education, training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation. Although a strong focus is placed on youth engagement there are other stakeholders that come under the ACE and civil society bracket, including non-state actors. Projects such as Climateurope2 are examples of how a plurality of stakeholders can come together and support each other in building an equitable European climate services community

Our recent interview with climate campaigner Julian Vincent also outlines the importance of engaging all stakeholders, from citizens to shareholders in financial institutions so that the financial sector is pushed towards making choices that favour decarbonisation. Action for climate empowerment involves all members of society.


working group I

IPCC: Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying

The IPCC’s press release detailing all essential information on the Working Group I report, the first instalment of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), which will be completed in 2022.


Social media and misinformation at COP26

The conversation around climate change has never been more intense on social media, where influencers have the power to inspire and even persuade their followers. An international multidisciplinary team has developed a dashboard that allows us to navigate tweets and hashtags providing some answers to this question. So, to what extent are social media users at the mercy of climate change deniers?

Power to the communities

Power to the communities – Ep. 06

Knowledge is power. It is the backbone of an alliance that spans the farthest corners of the planet to the laboratories of the most advanced scientific research. In this episode, we explore the terrain where science meets civil society that triggers climate action. With stories of people in the Global South where natural resources ‘are being used as a weapon’.