
Climate-related disclosure: Bridging the data gap

High quality data is essential if we are to achieve our global climate related goals. Sue Armstrong-Brown, Global Director of Environmental Standards and Thought Leadership at CDP, explains how data obtained through disclosure informed the Global Stocktake to be agreed at COP28 and how the world is taking action to fill the shortage of climate-related information.

Towards a nature-positive economy

“We need now to integrate private sector actors, take advantage of innovative technologies and AI, and train future generations.” Healthy and well-managed ecosystems provide a range of services that support climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The achievements and upcoming priorities when it comes to nature-based solutions in the words of Nathalie Doswald.

buildings under a blue sky

Building on sustainable foundations: Climate change and energy efficiency to decarbonize the construction sector

The link between buildings and climate change has long been a focal point of global discussions on mitigation and adaptation. A new report by UNEP and Yale addresses the urgent need to decarbonize the construction sector, responsible for more than one third of global CO2 emissions. With global emissions on the rise, this report provides a blueprint for reducing “embodied carbon” emissions from building materials by 2050. Expert Paolo Bertoldi highlights that creating a sustainable building industry is possible and needs collaboration across sectors and countries.


Elly Vaughan: The climate-health nexus between pollen and heatwaves

The interplay between climate change, air quality and lung health is a key issue that requires innovative approaches and solutions. “It’s not just what the empirical evidence is telling us about different particle concentration levels in the air but how people are perceiving air quality,” says health policy expert at Economist Impact Elly Vaughan.

A bridge on a river, Diraluk, Iraq

“Every story is a climate story”, and this is why

Deep into the future planet: Telling climate stories and how they intertwine with our individual and collective lives, across all levels and dimensions. Interview with Elisabetta Tola, science journalist and author of the Foresight podcast produced by CMCC and FACTA. A mix of voices from the worlds of science, art, activism, policy, show the complexity of the climate crisis and its possible solutions.

Resources Radio: bringing people closer to science

Leave behind technical terms, forget jargon and acronyms, minimize technical elements and keep the conversation fairly informal. The producer and one of the co-hosts of Resources Radio unveil the strategy behind Resources for the Future’s podcast. A podcast that aims “to draw people in, rather than push information out” while keeping the focus on rigorous scientific content about climate change, energy, ecosystems, and more.

Yes. You can feel one degree

The human body can perceive a one-degree difference in air temperature, although most of us not aware of this sensitivity. Experiments conducted in EURAC climatic chambers contributes sheding light on the reasons why climate change awareness is so hard to reach and how psychology can offer new strategies to moderate heat stress. Because “we cannot talk about problems involving humans without understanding how humans work”. An interview with psychologist Laura Battistel.

Brand activism vs greenwashing: the outdoor experience by Luca Albrisi

The beauty, freedom, and adventure of outdoor experiences are often leveraged by outdoor brands in their marketing strategies. But, how does this fit with a clean approach to the outdoors and how active are these brands when it comes to protecting nature. Luca Albrisi, athlete, writer and activist talks about his approach to the outdoors and how to look out for greenwashing and false narratives.