Francesco Bassetti

What is the state of the European climate?

What does it mean to be the world’s fastest warming continent toppling flooding, temperature and wildfire records as glaciers melt at unprecedented rates and communities suffer like never before? Understanding the latest trends in Europe’s climate, including progress in areas such as renewable energy generation and resilience to extreme events, is the key to effective adaptation and mitigation.

Creative sustainability: The New European Bauhaus

In the pre-WWII era, the German design school set the template for beautiful, functional design with a focus on the built environment. In its modern iteration, the New European Bauhaus integrates the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and aesthetics to propel innovation and move society towards more sustainable development.


Science and knowledge: The keys to a healthy Ocean Decade

As the global community grapples with the urgency of preserving one of the planet’s most vital resources, the Ocean Decade Conference is striving to put science at the center of the process. Has the latest conference in Barcelona shown how to deliver the science we need for the ocean we want?


Adapting to rising climate risks: A matter of justice

The EEA’s first ever European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) identifies justice as a key component of adaptation. Yet justice is not just about measuring the equity in distribution of benefits and burdens from climate impacts, it’s also intrinsically tied to the concept of resilience. 

Backwards or forwards? Climate policy and the EU elections

Between 6-9 June 2024, voters across the EU will decide on the next European Parliament, and in the process, set the course for the bloc’s next five years of climate policy. Polls and experts suggest that, although climate issues continue to be a key concern, the next EU Parliament may dilute climate policy. The issue however, is not with the climate policies themselves, but which climate policies are being implemented.

The AI revolution in weather forecasting: Reactions and comments from the mediasphere

The accuracy and timeliness of weather forecasts can make all the difference in decision making processes. However, as private sector actors leverage artificial intelligence to develop more accurate forecasts than traditional models, experts and journalists try to identify new ethical, political, and technological challenges for the future of weather forecasting.

Tetsu Kubota

More comfort, less carbon: Climate resilient housing in the Global South

The Global South is both home to over 75% of the world’s urban population and at the same time urbanizing faster than anywhere else in the world. “Building low carbon, climate resilient and affordable housing is therefore a priority if we are to meet climate goals in these areas,” says Building Science expert and Professor at Hiroshima University, Tetsu Kubota.

electrifying transport

The transport sector’s electrifying progress

Direct electrification is one of the main solutions to lowering carbon emissions and improved energy security. A series of reports and studies look at how electrification is revolutionizing the transport sector, why the transition has been slowing down and what further gains are to be expected in the future.

With great risks come opportunities: Interview with Francesco Bosello

Technological, economic, and environmental risks are on the rise, but it is precisely in these areas that the opportunities for building a better future lie. In an increasingly fragmented world, awareness of the need to act on climate risks is growing whilst priority for action is directed elsewhere. CMCC Principal Scientist Francesco Bosello comments on the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024.

just transition platform

Giving the EU’s Just Transition a platform to stand on

Addressing the social, economic and environmental challenges – that go hand in hand with transitioning from carbon intensive systems – requires a set of strategies that ensure those most affected are treated fairly. The European Commission’s Just Transition Platform seeks to put those very people and communities at the center of the transformation.

COP28 | GIULIA GALLUCCIO: Green jobs start with education

A Just Transition goes hand in hand with Green Jobs, which in turn require a new generation of skilled laborers who are trained to deal with the demands of a changing world. “The issue of new skills cannot be separated from the topic of education. Education needs to be tailored to meet the demands of a changing world,” says CMCC Researcher and Director of the Future Earth Research School (FERS) Giulia Galluccio.