
Dual-Action, Triple Win: Addressing the Converging Health and Climate Crises

Both weigh on the health systems, both aggravate existing inequalities, both have huge economic impacts. COVID-19 and climate change are crisis that need to be tackled together, because “we do not have the luxury of taking one crisis at a time”. The 2020 Lancet Countdown Report on Health and Climate Change told by one of its authors.

Digitalization and Climate Dialogues Help Build Momentum

In a world where organizers are having to re-think in-person meetings, the UN Climate Dialogues seek to bring Parties and stakeholders together in new and innovative ways so as to build momentum for upcoming climate negotiations. Hidden in this challenge is a new opportunity: “Digitalising climate summits can represent a first step towards a more inclusive and accessible model of cooperation on climate change”, explains CMCC researcher Elisa Calliari.

Private Sector: Low Carbon Investments in the Era of Uncertainty

A low carbon world is being shaped, and the private sector is in the spotlight. While the pandemic is teaching the importance of getting prepared to future risks, the big actors of the financial system are refining the criteria for the allocation of capital to get safe from the coming challenges. For businesses, keeping up with the change is not a matter of reputation anymore. Dealing with climate change is now about financial survival.

Energy Market and Strategies: a New Paradigm

Since the industrial revolution fossil fuels have propelled technological, social and economic progress. However, this has come at a substantial environmental cost. Now, with Covid-19 rocking the global economy there are signs that we may have reached a historic moment when demand for oil finally peaks and our energy paradigm shifts. Scientists and policymakers are being joined by investors who see economic opportunities in a clean energy revolution. 

green growth

Britain Links Green with Growth

“Green and growth can go hand-in-hand.” These are the words of the UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who recently rolled out his ten-point plan for a greener Britain. Wind turbines, technological advancement and moving on from fossil fuels form the backbone of his plan. How will this be achieved? Will it be enough to meet the island nation’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050?

Preparing for Rising Sea Levels

More than 600 million people at risk. Strategies and solutions require close collaboration between policy-makers and scientists working together to focus on both the local scale and the broader picture. With some key concepts at the core of their collaboration such as multi-risk, cross-sectoral approach and systemic vision. Not to mention the paradox of “maladaptation”.

net zero japan

Responding to Global Warming: the Zero Emissions Club Gets Bigger

After China, it is now the turn of Japan and South Korea: are we on the brink of a domino effect?
The newly appointed Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga, used his first Diet policy speech to promise net zero emissions by 2050. Reaching this goal will require fundamental changes and reveals a welcome shift in Japanese climate ambition. A move that was soon echoed by President Moon Jae-in who also formally committed to lead South Korea to net zero emissions by 2050.


China Pledges Climate Neutrality by 2060

In late September China announced its intention to become carbon neutral by 2060. This came as welcome news, particularly in light of the new stimulus measures for Covid recovery being deployed. However, even if China manages to abide by its commitments what will this mean for global climate objectives? Is it too little too late?

Where Does Air Pollution Come From?

Air pollution causes premature deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and Covid induced lockdowns have provided a unique opportunity to study air quality, with some surprising results: “We were struck by the fact that air quality wasn’t as good as we were anticipating. On some days in Lombardy it was even above the EU required level for safety”, explains Valentina Bosetti, senior scientist at the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment.


Predicting Extreme Weather Events

Climate change leads to an increase in extreme weather events and now scientists are working on ways to predict and prepare for them. New research on megastorms provides tools for forecasting their direction and intensity, thus helping communities better prepare for when they hit.

plastic future uncertain

The Future of Plastics is Uncertain

Major players in the oil industry predict that the demand for plastics will continue to grow exponentially in the coming decades, therefore allocating over 400 billion USD in new investments for petrochemical plants and equipment. However, legislation that aims to regulate plastic use and waste could jeopardise these plans and research indicates that the production of plastics may peak by 2027. The future of plastics has never been so uncertain.