
Emperor Penguins Treading on Thin Ice

Climate change is drastically altering the weather patterns and ice conditions that enable emperor penguins, the icons of the Antarctic, to reproduce. The Halley Bay colony, the second largest in the world, in the Weddell Sea has failed to raise chicks for the last three years, leading to discussions on how to monitor climate change and the ability of animals to adapt in a changing world.

Over 1 Million Species Threatened With Extinction

In an unusually alarming tone, a new UN report reveals that nature’s decline has reached “unprecedented” levels, with species extinction rates increasing and global responses remaining insufficient. The erosion of the environment and its wellbeing is the most damming assessment yet of man’s impact on Planet Earth and reiterates the need for transformative change to restore and protect nature.

When Renewables are Cheaper: Coping With the Coal Cost Crossover

The coal cost crossover is when renewables become less costly than using coal. A new report reveals that the USA has officially entered this point, whereby approximately 75% of coal production is more expensive than renewables, with the US coal industry to be completely out-competed on cost by 2025. However, how this energy transition will affect local communities remains unclear.

Disbanded Climate Group Reconvenes

The climate change advisory panel disbanded by Trump in 2017 has regrouped. They warn that the US economy is set to lose $500bn due to extreme weather events and aim to develop science-based methods to support local communities in implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Decarbonisation Needs “A Marshall Plan for Climate Readiness”

The IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming tells us that, although the planet is getting hotter, it is still possible to remain within the 1.5 °C mark set out in the Paris Agreement. However, for this to be achieved nothing short of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 will suffice: policymakers are looking to decarbonise the economy.

The EU and China See Eye to Eye on Climate Change

Xi Jinping’s official trip to Europe revolved around multi-billion-euro business deals including fourteen large contracts; a Chinese order for 300 Airbus planes worth 30 billion euros; transport and infrastructure plans under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); and, surprisingly, commitments to invest in renewable energy and fight climate change by upholding the Paris Agreements.

Filling in the Climate Reporting Gap

They build capacity and offer a voice for the areas which are most affected by Climate Change. They create a broad and fluid network of journalists and communicators that share resources, information and opportunities. All of which, in a very effective and innovative way. Discover Climate Tracker, the next generation of climate journalists.

When Science Feeds News

They build capacity and offer a voice for the areas which are most affected by Climate Change. They create a broad and fluid network of journalists and communicators that share resources, information and opportunities. All of which, in a very effective and innovative way. Discover Climate Tracker, the next generation of climate journalists.

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They collect information from trusted sources, bring scientific knowledge to a broader audience all over the world and provide an alternative to those boring assessments