Vulnerable giants: Mountain tourism at a turning point


A mix of high-resolution data, advanced research, participative interactions with local communities and supporting natural and spiritual heritage. This is the starting point to design resilience strategies and plan more sustainable solutions for mountain tourism, a sector that accounts for 15-20% of global tourism.

Digital twin

By connecting the real and virtual worlds digital twins help create, test and deploy the disruptive technologies and ideas needed to respond to the climate crisis at an unprecedented pace. A look at how experts such as Peter Bauer, Director of Destination Earth at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, are using digital twins to help plan and define the future.

Winter sports in the grip of climate change


Ski resorts across the Alps are struggling in the face of yet another year with record-low snowfall. But it isn’t just a European phenomenon. All around the globe, researchers are studying how climate change impacts current and future snowfall patterns. And it’s bad news for snow lovers everywhere, with a significant financial burden falling on entire economic sectors.

Syukuro Manabe: Mapping the Earth’s climate

syukuro manabe nobel

In his Nobel lecture, Professor Syukuro Manabe explains how man influences the climate and how weather and climate modelling has allowed us to understand this relationship in more detail. Watch the full lecture.

IPCC: Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying

working group I

The IPCC’s press release detailing all essential information on the Working Group I report, the first instalment of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), which will be completed in 2022.

Science Feeds Policy: The New European Strategy

More data and knowledge to the service of decision makers can help make Europe a fully climate resilient continent by mid-century. The new European Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change aims to lead the world by example and calls for more consideration of the transboundary effects of climate impacts and for a ‘smarter, more systemic and swifter’ adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

The Evolution of Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe

Talking about the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) means unfolding the evolution of knowledge, policy processes, actions and awareness on adaptation in Europe, from their first steps to the implementation of the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy. We explore the story of this long collaboration between the ETC/CCA and the European Environment Agency in a journey at the interface between science and policy.

Where Does Air Pollution Come From?

Air pollution causes premature deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and Covid induced lockdowns have provided a unique opportunity to study air quality, with some surprising results: “We were struck by the fact that air quality wasn’t as good as we were anticipating. On some days in Lombardy it was even above the EU required level for safety”, explains Valentina Bosetti, senior scientist at the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment.

Not Just CO2, Let’s Talk About Methane

From thawing permafrost to belching cows, methane is a harmful greenhouse gas that has a significant impact on climate change. Although the bulk of mitigation strategies focus on carbon dioxide, methane also requires direct mitigation measures, a better understanding of how much it impacts our climate, and what sectors are emitting the most. A hot topic for researchers and policymakers alike.

COVID-19 Could Lead to Significant Climate Data Gaps

The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact the global monitoring and forecasting capacity of the earth system. Partially suspended activities are causing a large loss in the observing capacity of the atmosphere and the oceans. Data gaps due to COVID-19 will have far-reaching consequences that need to be managed for public security and the science-based […]

The Effects of Wildfires on a Zero Carbon Future

With July reported to have been the hottest month on record it came with no shortage of natural disasters. Arctic wildfires ravaging the northern hemisphere’s woodlands grabbed media attention. Understanding their impacts can help dictate policy decisions for greenhouse gas emission reduction schemes so as to remain well below the 2ºC mark.

Nuclear Power Feeling the Heat

For the second time in less than one month Europe has been hit by an extreme heatwave. This time high temperatures have caused French nuclear power stations to decrease energy outputs due to unsafe levels of heat.