Deep into the future planet: The trailer

Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

Deep into the future planet: The trailer

Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

The future is being shaped by today’s ideas, solutions, and decisions. The future is now.
In a world in which the climate crisis is taking centre stage, we can draw inspiration from the insights of scientists, artists and activists.
Join us on a planetary journey that goes deep into the future of innovation, technology, nature, and humanity in search of the best ways to forge a sustainable future.

Foresight – Deep into the Future Planet, a podcast produced by the CMCC and FACTA. 



The hottest decade ever. When “acceleration” is the watchword

It sounds like a refrain we are quite used to, as it has been happening for 40 years: the last decade was not only hotter than the previous one but also the hottest on record. And it looks as if things are not going to change in the immediate future. However, some clues show that the last decade’s legacy can act as a springboard for the change we need in the next one.


Moving mining back to Europe

EU clean energy targets will need 35 times more lithium and seven to 26 times the amount of rare earth metals in 2050 compared with today. Critical raw materials are a key ingredient in any green transition, but now the question is: can mining go hand in hand with nature protection laws?


No, it wasn’t successful: Failures and lessons from the Kyoto Protocol’s ashes

From overarching great consensus treaties to smaller agreements between countries, the future of international climate agreements has to learn from the failures of the Kyoto Protocol and its inability to stem the flow of greenhouse gas emissions. Ralph Winkler, international environmental cooperation expert, on the contradictions and opportunities of the agreement signed in 1997.