

“Now the hard work begins”: Environmental leaders on the COP15 Biodiversity Framework

Global leaders agreed to halt biodiversity loss by protecting 30% of the world’s land and ocean by 2030. Leaders from environmental organizations around the world react to the deal, highlighting its merits and the potential issues that come with it. From “a watershed moment” to “we don’t need people to tell us what to do”, the consensus is that governments need to treat the Kuming-Montreal Biodiversity framework “as a floor, not a ceiling”.

Now is the time for action: The COP15 on biodiversity

“Paris moment for nature”, is the phrase being used to raise expectations: the COP15, due to be held in Canada, must play a crucial role in halting biodiversity loss and restoring nature over the next decade. However, according to global media predictions, there is something that may undermine the impact of the event before it has even begun.

We are brokers of sustainability: The science, policy and business nexus

CEOs, shareholders, voters and policy-makers: there is a way of communicating with all of them that helps build a common, sustainable future. However, it requires a holistic perspective of the climate crisis. With experience in international diplomacy and private consultancy, the eclectic journalist Ione Anderson underscores what holds together business people in meeting rooms and young generations marching during climate strikes.

COP27 Biodiversity Day

Biodiversity and Climate

Discussions about climate must go hand in hand with discussions about the environment and hence biodiversity. This not only means looking at how to ensure biodiversity is maintained and promoted but also how nature itself can be a vital instrument in climate proofing the planet. Biodiversity is the core of COP15 in Montreal and was one of the main topics at COP27 in Egypt. A list of resources to better understand the climate-biodiversity nexus.

The Green Deal dives into the Blue Economy

Oceans will play a key part in the ongoing transition: they are an invaluable resource for the climate-neutral world, providing renewable energy, food, and solutions. However, they also host fragile ecosystems that are suffering from climate inaction. Policymakers, scientists, financial actors, and civil society have their eyes fixed on the sea, because “there can be no Green Deal without a sustainable blue economy.”

IPCC Report

What the world has to say about the latest IPCC report

The United Nations’ latest climate report has brought media, experts and opinionists around the globe to reflect on the urgency of climate change, the irreversible consequences of our inaction and the different ways in which individual countries will be forced to adress adaptation challenges, climate change impacts and their own specific vulnerabilities.

Nature-based solutions

What if nature could provide wide-ranging solutions to the challenges we face as humans. From ecosystem-based approaches to green infrastructure and urban greening, understanding the true meaning of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is the key to both protecting nature and increasing societal resistance to climate change.

Natural capital

There Is No Prosperity Without Natural Capital

Natural resources are neither free nor boundless. The time has come to challenge our conception of the relationship between the economy, society, and the environment and how we measure well-being and social progress. A new system takes the contributions of nature into account when analyzing economic development. It can be a game-changer for decision making processes.

What’s driving biodiversity loss in Europe?

Intensification of agriculture and forestry, climate change, resource extraction, invasive alien species, and pollution are driving biodiversity loss and the reduction of nature’s contributions to