Clean Energy

yellow pinwheel in green grass field

The grass is always greener, in my backyard: Perception and impacts of renewable energy

“Wind and solar energy are inherently free,” though research is crucial to understanding the true costs and benefits of renewable energy projects. As renewable energy evolves, with technical barriers dissolving and costs declining, challenges persist in navigating public perception and policy hurdles. CMCC researcher Wei Guo explores the multifaceted journey of overcoming historical obstacles and envisioning a sustainable transition, delving into the complexities that will shape our renewable energy future.

electrifying transport

The transport sector’s electrifying progress

Direct electrification is one of the main solutions to lowering carbon emissions and improved energy security. A series of reports and studies look at how electrification is revolutionizing the transport sector, why the transition has been slowing down and what further gains are to be expected in the future.


Untapped potential: Transportation’s sustainable future

The pivotal role of the transport sector in a changing climate reveals both its challenges and opportunities. With transport representing the largest energy consuming sector in 40% of countries worldwide, the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report underscores the necessity of systemic changes, from electrification in land transport to innovations in aviation and shipping fuels. AR6 offers a comprehensive roadmap, emphasizing technological advancements, effective policies, and behavioral shifts to steer transportation towards a sustainable path.

Electrifying road transports in Italy

Science clearly points to the electrification of road transportation as a priority to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century. Particularly in Italy, the European country with the highest motorization rate. Three reports, with the contribution of experts from CMCC, illustrate where we stand and why electric mobility in Italy is preferable to other technological solutions.

Energy efficiency: The low hanging fruit

Decoupling emissions from economic growth is seen as a key requisite for meeting climate targets. How do we achieve this? “Energy efficiency resources are infinitely expendable resources of ideas, depleting only stupidity, a very abundant resource,” says Amory Lovins.

Moving mining back to Europe

EU clean energy targets will need 35 times more lithium and seven to 26 times the amount of rare earth metals in 2050 compared with today. Critical raw materials are a key ingredient in any green transition, but now the question is: can mining go hand in hand with nature protection laws?


The Critical Raw Materials Act: digging in the dirt for a sustainable future

The European path to meet the goals for a clean, green, and renewable energy future leads to a growing demand of critical metals supply. A recent agreement proposes a response mechanism to the risks of critical raw materials supply shortage or disruption, working towards a more independent and resilient Europe, while negotiating with strict environmental regulations.

COP27 Energy Day

Renewables, technological development, digitalization. Climate change mitigation cannot do without profound changes on how energy is produced and used, but this revolution must “leave no one behind”. Ensuring a just transition in the energy sector is a core topic at COP27, which is addressed on the Energy Day, November 15.

Solving the energy crisis with renewables

With the price of crude oil reaching its highest level in over a decade and the cost of natural gas skyrocketing, policymakers are faced with a choice: double down on fossil fuels or add urgency to the clean energy transition? Although most agree investing in renewables is the more logical solution, others are pushing for fossil fuel infrastructure, potentially locking the world into “irreversible warming” and creating a mass of stranded assets.

Ashley Cooper: Framing the climate with the power of imagery

14 years of expeditions, 30 countries, 7 continents, 50,000 images. Environmental photographer and author of “Images From a Warming Planet” brings a wealth of experience to the art of capturing climate change. Yet, it isn’t just about taking pictures of the impacts and destruction. It’s also about highlighting the science and solutions that motivate climate action.

Energy Market and Strategies: a New Paradigm

Since the industrial revolution fossil fuels have propelled technological, social and economic progress. However, this has come at a substantial environmental cost. Now, with Covid-19 rocking the global economy there are signs that we may have reached a historic moment when demand for oil finally peaks and our energy paradigm shifts. Scientists and policymakers are being joined by investors who see economic opportunities in a clean energy revolution.