Climate Policy

The Uneaten Apple that Worsens Climate Change

Food loss and waste worsen the scarcity of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions from human activities with no purpose. Reducing food loss and waste can contribute towards environmental sustainability and limit the influence of the food system on climate change, increasing economic efficiency and food security at the same time. A new FAO report suggests how.

Decarbonisation Needs “A Marshall Plan for Climate Readiness”

The IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming tells us that, although the planet is getting hotter, it is still possible to remain within the 1.5 °C mark set out in the Paris Agreement. However, for this to be achieved nothing short of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 will suffice: policymakers are looking to decarbonise the economy.

The EU and China See Eye to Eye on Climate Change

Xi Jinping’s official trip to Europe revolved around multi-billion-euro business deals including fourteen large contracts; a Chinese order for 300 Airbus planes worth 30 billion euros; transport and infrastructure plans under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); and, surprisingly, commitments to invest in renewable energy and fight climate change by upholding the Paris Agreements.

Climate Week NYC 2018

UNFCCC Executive Secretariat Patricia Espinosa will deliver a keynote speech today, September 24th, to kick-off the 10th annual Climate Week NYC, where government ministers, investors,

UN Environment and Google announce ground-breaking partnership to protect our planet

UN Environment and Google announce strategic partnership to protect our planet

Combining environmental science, big data and unprecedented accessibility, this joint effort aims to expand what the world knows about the impacts of human activity on global ecosystems. The partnership will start with an initial focus on fresh-water ecosystems, such as mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes, aiming in the long-term to establish a platform for open-source data and analysis of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Can Behavioural Economics save the Planet?

Can Behavioural Economics save the Planet?

While traditional economic models consider human beings as rational agents that maximize their pleasure (or “utility”), Behavioural Economics questions the rationality of people’s decisions. How can governments promote environmental policies more efficiently? We selected four policy insights from the Behavioural Economics literature.

How can climate policies be accepted politically?

How can climate policies be accepted politically?

If recent agreements show the worldwide political willingness to deal with climate change, countries’ promises have yet to be turned into practical policy designs. Carbon Taxes are widely praised by economists as the most efficient way to internalize the social impact of carbon emissions, yet their implementation is still slow. What are the barriers to their implementation and how can governments improve their policy designs? Some insights from a paper recently published.

Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture – Submit your comments and join the event

Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture – Submit your comments and join the event

Available the paper preview summarizing the views submitted on the elements included in the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) and the process foreseen for the implementation of this joint work. Request a copy of the draft summary, and share your inputs by 20 May 2018. On May 3, 2018, join also the event “Koronivia for Climate Action: raising ambition through agricultural sectors”