Climate Policy

Can Behavioural Economics save the Planet?

Can Behavioural Economics save the Planet?

While traditional economic models consider human beings as rational agents that maximize their pleasure (or “utility”), Behavioural Economics questions the rationality of people’s decisions. How can governments promote environmental policies more efficiently? We selected four policy insights from the Behavioural Economics literature.

How can climate policies be accepted politically?

How can climate policies be accepted politically?

If recent agreements show the worldwide political willingness to deal with climate change, countries’ promises have yet to be turned into practical policy designs. Carbon Taxes are widely praised by economists as the most efficient way to internalize the social impact of carbon emissions, yet their implementation is still slow. What are the barriers to their implementation and how can governments improve their policy designs? Some insights from a paper recently published.

Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture – Submit your comments and join the event

Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture – Submit your comments and join the event

Available the paper preview summarizing the views submitted on the elements included in the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) and the process foreseen for the implementation of this joint work. Request a copy of the draft summary, and share your inputs by 20 May 2018. On May 3, 2018, join also the event “Koronivia for Climate Action: raising ambition through agricultural sectors”