WASTELAND is an artwork consisting of a system of concrete actions unfolding through time and various locations in order to disseminate on the international scene a series of “clues” about the existence of a nation of my invention, called Garbage Patch State. More information on The Garbace Patch State, and on the personal website of the artist Maria Cristina Finucci

![Basilica Giulia, Rome, 2018 [render]. Photo courtesy of Maria Cristina Finucci The latest artwork of Maria Cristina Finucci, titled "HELP the Ocean", has been unveiled on June 8, 2018, World Oceans Day, at the Basilica Giulia in Rome. Composed by a set of gabions in wire mesh, covered with an embroidery of six million colored plastic caps, "HELP the Ocean" wants to simulate a archaeological discovery that could be emblematic of our era, renamed as the "The age of Plastic". The exhibition of "HELP the Ocean" in Rome is open from June 8 until July 29, 2018.](https://files.climateforesight.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/24200308/Help_the_ocean_render_png.png)