GALLERY. Wasteland – Garbage Patch State, by Maria Cristina Finucci

WASTELAND is an artwork consisting of a system of concrete actions unfolding through time and various locations in order to disseminate on the international scene a series of “clues” about the existence of a nation of my invention, called Garbage Patch State. More information on The Garbace Patch State, and on the personal website of the artist Maria Cristina Finucci



A survival guide for humanity: the IPCC’s latest synthesis report

From science to policy: a matter of urgency, action, and hope. The latest IPCC synthesis report lays out the harsh truth on the current state of the climate. But, it also shows us that we have the tools to invert our current trajectory and that the decisions and measures we take today will have a lasting effect on the world of tomorrow. A collection of media reactions.


Adapting to rising climate risks: A matter of justice

The EEA’s first ever European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) identifies justice as a key component of adaptation. Yet justice is not just about measuring the equity in distribution of benefits and burdens from climate impacts, it’s also intrinsically tied to the concept of resilience. 


Driving the Future: What Cars (and the Automotive Sector) Will Look Like Moving Forward

A recent study by the ifo Institute has called into question the green credentials of electric vehicles, indicating that over their entire lifecycle certain models …