Biodiversity and Climate

Discussions about climate must go hand in hand with discussions about the environment and hence biodiversity. This not only means looking at how to ensure biodiversity is maintained and promoted but also how nature itself can be a vital instrument in climate proofing the planet. Biodiversity is the core of COP15 in Montreal and was one of the main topics at COP27 in Egypt. A list of resources to better understand the climate-biodiversity nexus.

Addressing the nexus between biodiversity and climate change is about discussions on nature and nature based solutions. From ecosystem-based approaches to green infrastructure and urban greening, biodiversity holds the key to solving a wide range of climate-related issues. However, understanding the meaning behind umbrella terms such as nature based solutions is only the first step.

With one in four species currently under threat of extinction, part of the solution involves understanding which species are better equipped to adapt, and hence survive, so as to improve conservation efforts and policy choices.

Biodiversity has an intrinsic value in and of itself and part of that is tapping into the potential of natural capital, which at its core involves challenging our understanding of the relationship between economy, society, and the environment

Yet biodiversity is not just about jungles and pristine nature. It’s also about how we integrate nature into our cities and how we include biodiversity concerns into our agricultural industry, with concepts such as agrobiodiversity. Cities and societies of the future will require this. 

Programs that advance understanding of the links between species and community traits, ecological functions and ecosystem services – both on land and at sea – and how they are impacted by climate change are crucial and will require precise data and effective ecosystem management and monitoring.

Biodiversity is part of the solution. 


working group I

IPCC: Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying

The IPCC’s press release detailing all essential information on the Working Group I report, the first instalment of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), which will be completed in 2022.


Success or failure? The Kyoto Protocol’s troubled legacy

Twenty-five years of hope and political negotiations, of science, data and denial campaigns to delay and even bury it. A look at the first iconic moment for global climate policy making: what remains of the Kyoto Protocol’s heritage and what lies ahead for international environmental agreements.

flooded European street

A call to action for a climate-resilient Europe. Interview with Hans-Martin Füssel.

As Europe grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change, urgent action is imperative to address the multifaceted risks threatening the continent’s well-being. In an interview with Hans-Martin Füssel, an EEA Expert in Climate Change Adaptation, we delve into the findings of the European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) report. From heatwaves to floods, the report sheds light on critical challenges and underscores the need for proactive measures that safeguard Europe’s future amidst the climate crisis.