Francesco Bassetti

“The effects are greater than the cause.” Media reactions to COP27 outcomes

What a difference between the Global South and Developed Countries. In the COP27 aftermath, media analyses range from applause to disappointment, from those who call it a momentous decision to those that signal the use of ambiguous new language. Barbados and U.S., Brazil and EU passing through Pakistan, UK, India, China and South Africa, a collection of media coverage of the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan.

COP27 Decarbonization Day

COP27 Decarbonization Day

A crucial part of the Paris Agreement is decarbonization. This involves cutting CO2 emissions as much as possible, including in hard to abate sectors. Through policy, technology and nature based solutions decarbonization has been shown to be possible but will require immediate and radical action. November 11 at COP27 is the Decarbonization Day.

COP27 ACE and Civil Society Day

Effective climate action requires all stakeholders to participate. Whether this be youth, NGOs or shareholders of large financial institutions it is important that all stakeholders find space at the negotiating table. Discover the meaning and scope of the main topic of November 15, COP27’s Action for Climate Empowerment and Civil Society Day, through the lens of CMCC activities and contributions to the topic.

COP27 Biodiversity Day

Biodiversity and Climate

Discussions about climate must go hand in hand with discussions about the environment and hence biodiversity. This not only means looking at how to ensure biodiversity is maintained and promoted but also how nature itself can be a vital instrument in climate proofing the planet. Biodiversity is the core of COP15 in Montreal and was one of the main topics at COP27 in Egypt. A list of resources to better understand the climate-biodiversity nexus.

Teresa Anderson: Human rights and the long shadow of the climate crisis

Inequality. Injustice. Missed opportunities. Yet, there is still room for optimism. “The more we tell this story, the more the politicians will feel the heat”, global lead on climate justice Teresa Anderson explains why “climate is, at its core, a human rights issue” and what it will take to get a successful COP27 that lays the groundwork for lasting positive change.

Adelle Thomas: Putting the most vulnerable at the centre of COP27

“It’s a trend: record-breaking hurricanes are not isolated episodes, extreme events are increasing in intensity and negative impacts are being experienced by the most vulnerable”. For Small Island Developing States, loss and damage is the key issue at the upcoming UNFCCC conference: IPCC author and director of the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Research Centre, Adelle Thomas, explains why and provides insight on science, policy and implementation of adaptation strategies.

Flood and drought: Two sides of the same coin

From mid-June to the end of August 2022, Pakistan experienced record-breaking rainfall which led to unprecedented flooding in much of the country. This came off the back of a deadly heatwave just months before with peak temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius. What do these seemingly contrasting events have in common? “Extreme event attribution” helps scientists identify if there are human fingerprints on these extreme events.


Zeke Hausfather: Every tenth of a degree counts

From how to deal with climate uncertainties that could threaten to upend our plans for a low carbon future to the role of carbon dioxide removal and technological progress. Climate scientist and modelling expert Zeke Hausfather outlines the challenges that lie ahead whilst reminding us that the future looks a lot less bleak than it did just a decade ago.

Paul Hawken: Climate does not exist

Humanity is at a crossroads, it can choose to continue to damage the planet and deprive itself of a future, or it can begin a process of profound regeneration. Acclaimed author Paul Hawken walks us through the ongoing climate crisis and what a truly restorative process may look like. “Climate is a part of human life and nature. We should learn to embrace it and its flows without seeing ourselves as other to it.”

Julien Vincent

Julien Vincent: Individuals make market forces

Through collective action individuals can strong-hand financial institutions into divesting from environmentally damaging projects. Winner of the 2022 Goldman Environmental prize, Julien Vincent, explains how climate advocacy revolves around bringing the right information and solutions to the right people at the right time.